Shell using bottom row
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
One week left
Time is upon us with just one more week to pass for QUEST #26 - COLOUR BINGPOE I have one more offering for Master for thou to feast thine eyes upon
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Beloveds - we doth find ourselves midway twixt the allotted time for QUEST #26 - COLOUR BINGPOE and here is something to whet thine appetite.

IKE - Vertical Far Right
Be so kind as to leave thy offerings HERE - thou hast until 6th DECEMBER 2013.
Halfway Reminder,
QTR #26
Thursday, 7 November 2013
I come to thee this day in haste..... the god of thunder and lightning Zeus, is most displeased here at my abode and hath struck many times these past days. His fury is mighty and he hath taken from us the power of the Devil and we abideth without light nor heat. The Master doth sit in sore desolution without the comforts of hot water, heat and is in the depths of darkness come sunset :-(
The Master hath also chosen these 3 Supplicants (in no particular order) and applauds thee for thy offerings. Take thee also thy Badges of Honour.........
Thy Challenge be to create for The Master anything that ye shalt desire using ANY 3 colours from ANY ONE LINE, be it across, up and down or the diagonal :-)
I must fly now lest I be struck by the wrath of Zeus and I leave thee to the Minions of The Master.
This shalt be thy Prize....
Go now and returneth here in 1 month's full passing 4th DECEMBER 2013.
Perchance to leave thine offering below.
In the interests of fair play NO BACKLINKING.
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