Beloveds - we findeth ourselves gathering herewith again for Midway of thy current Quest # 47 - PICK ANY 3. Thy task is to make a creation to EDGAR ALLAN POE using ANY 3 of the items contained within the GRID.
If thou hast no notion of the workings of POE , then clicketh HERE to findeth a collection thereof.

If thou hast no notion of the workings of POE , then clicketh HERE to findeth a collection thereof.
I giveth thee the toilings of the Minions to The Master to inspire thee along and from the Special Guest to The Master..............SUSAN RENSHAW
Here be-eth She toiling with the wondrous product of her Beetroot juice :-D..... See how the colour doth maketh wondrous effects......
Here be-eth She toiling with the wondrous product of her Beetroot juice :-D..... See how the colour doth maketh wondrous effects......
Susan hath made yet another offering to The Master.. using CATS, LACE + FAUX STITCHING...

Forsooth - it pleaseth The Master that thy creation be new-eth and he requesteth NO BACKLINKING.
Thou hast until Midnight WEDNESDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 2015 for thy labours.
Hie now to toileth and sweat in thy labours to create and returneth to the beloved LINKY where thee shalt entereth thine offering, on WEEK 1's Post HERE.