Wednesday 24 April 2013


Ah Beloveds ! The sisters of darkness at SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM hath set forth a Challenge to all who toil in Design Teams for other Masters and Mistresses. They doth challenge us to bring forth our most accomplished creations that hath been subjected to transformation, so that they doth appear to be that which they are not. The Challenge hath been dubbed "Leather and/or Lace". Forsooth - such a cunning theme was laid down by the Victors of the third such Challenge -  the fair Minions of the Haunted Design House.
Fi !!! How they doth strive to test us, yet the Minions of The Master hath risen to such heights and hath produced fineries that doth astound the eye.
Feast thine eyes thusly............................

Lest ye hath a hankering to enter such a quest, thou shalt compete in teams of 3 under the title of thy masters' realm and having submitted thy creations thou shalt be judged by thy Peers and votes cast, whereupon the next victors shalt chose a theme of their liking for the next Challenge, and receive the accolades of the vanquished. Thou shalt then receive a fine Banner to display within thy Realm.

Good  fortune to other adversaries :-)

* Don't forget you can still enter Quest 20 at QUOTH THE RAVEN - PICK ANY 3 *


  1. Wow you guys did brill. Very classy leather and lace projects. xx

  2. Thou hast blown thy mind!!! Gorgeous, everyone!!!

  3. WHOA! Such gorgeousness I've yet to behold. You guys ROCKED it! xxD

  4. WOW! Such beauty I behold before my eyes of three sumptuous projects, thank you xxx

  5. every project is so remarkable. puts in awe looking at all the details. Beautiful art.

  6. Three great projects ladies...Shell love your choker. The raven looks great in the cameo. Great pieces by Fiona and BD also. Good luck ladies...the voting is always tough!

  7. great projects-innovative and totally with the theme

  8. great projects all, good luckin the challenge

  9. Woo Hoo - QTR WON !!!!!!
    Way to go Girls.... fabulous projects and so well deserved :-D
    IKE xxx
