March hath crept upon us and I am here to give thee thy next Quest. But first, let us sing praises to the Victor of Quest 18.... All Hail to...................Anna Lilja

Take thee thy Badge of Honour and display it proudly within thy Realm. Also furnish the details of such Realm to the Minion of The Master -IKE, so that thy Prize may be thus given.
The Master also honours these 3 Supplicants (in no apparent order) for their wondrous offerings....
Louise M, Paper Whims and Vee Cassidy
March hath crept upon us and I am here to give thee thy next Quest. But first, let us sing praises to the Victor of Quest 18.... All Hail to...................Anna Lilja
Take thee thy Badge of Honour and display it proudly within thy Realm. Also furnish the details of such Realm to the Minion of The Master -IKE, so that thy Prize may be thus given.
The Master also honours these 3 Supplicants (in no apparent order) for their wondrous offerings....
Louise M, Paper Whims and Vee Cassidy
Take thee also thy Badges of Honour.
And now, thy further Quest.............. "Anything POES". But remember ye that thy offering MUST be related to Edgar Allan POE to be considered worthy of being chosen for the Prize. Bring ye not thy fluffy, smushy if it be not POE !!
Forsooth, The Master giveth thee the freedom to create that which thy heart desires, in homage to The Master.
This time a new Supplicant has offered gifts to The Master.... a Group that calleth themselves INKY FROGGIES, which hath great acquaintance with "STAMPIN' UP" and which doth use and supply their wondrous items.
Such delights they offer thee this time to urge thee to strive for the place of victor. Thy wondrous Prize shall be thusly....
This time a new Supplicant has offered gifts to The Master.... a Group that calleth themselves INKY FROGGIES, which hath great acquaintance with "STAMPIN' UP" and which doth use and supply their wondrous items.

..................a smattering of cutesomeness kindly donated to The Master by Kristy- a goddess of "STAMPIN' UP" who is well versed in the teachings of the usage of such wonders.
So without further ado, I give thee the makings of the Minions of The Master to whet thine appetite..
Hie now and create... to return in one moon's full passing on 10th APRIL 2013, for thy next Quest.
It pleaseth The Master that thee leaveth thy offering here. (In the interest of fair play - NO BACKLINKING )
Collection closes 10th APRIL at 1700hrs GMT.
Congratulations to everyone but from me: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (Sorry I just had to do that as one was rather forlorn this past few days). Regarding the DT projects how you do thrill my senses with your most fabulous wonders of creating! I too have heard of this goddess, the fair Kristina, of whom you speak as tales of her hath reached my distant land. I am off to think about the next challenge after I visit your lovely blogs, Thanks again, Vee xx
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the winner and top three! Brilliant inspiration from the DT!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for picking me as the winner!
ReplyDeleteI really honoured!
Congrats the winners- and as usual, the DT has outdone them all!
ReplyDeleteOH my GOSH!!! Awesome project from the DTs dang you girls ROCK!! I want them all LOL!
Congrats to the winners and stunning projects from the DT. I must apologise to the Master for my absence as one hath been having troubles in thy domain due to troublesome children. But thy is back eager and ready to commence thy quest.
ReplyDeleteYippie, I've just entered my first challenge with you guys coz I finally got my first Poe rubber stamps from Smeared Ink! Fabulous DT creations, soooo stunning! I've been lurking in the shadows for a while and now I'm so happy I can play ;0)