Beloveds, with deepest regret we must continue with the RED DEATH for a further 2 weeks, the new closing date for your entries is JUNE 13th.
His Minion IKE has been struck a blow which renders all crafting skill as useless, so alas, she is still unable to offer you some creative inspiration. However, such a blow was naught compared to the creeping insidiousness of The Red Death.
But first - the Accolades..........
Hail the Victor of Quest #8.........WendyLynns Paper Whims
Take thee thy Badge of Honour and give thy details to the illustrious Black Dragon, that she may bestow upon thee thy reward.
Now - a tale of dread horror I tell to thee. Oft said that the Plague creepeth into every nook and cranny and that no man escapeth Death, regardless of age, creed or wealth.
The tale is of Prince Prospero. He hath organised a Masked Ball for the entertainment of his friends. Outside, the Plague is all around, but he hides within his castle with his friends and doth lock the doors against the dreaded pestilence. Therein lie 7 coloured rooms, the last of which is black and red and contains a clock of purest ebony, which striketh upon each hour with a clamourous din. Each other room is bright and dreamy and filled with music, but the last is avoided by his guests due to it's ominous ambience and the clock. All is well until the strike of midnight and a new Guest appears. His mask- the face of a corpse, and his garments are a funeral shroud. Prospero is angered that someone of such little humour would arrive thusly, but the guests are in dread fear of this stranger and fall away from him. He walks through each room and Prospero catches him at the last - the black and red room with the ebony clock. When he confronts the figure, Prospero dies. His guests enter the room to attack the figure but find that there is nothing beneath the costume and mask. They all then die, for the Red Death hath infiltrated the castle. Darkness and decay, and the Red Death have at last triumphed.
Read Ye the dread tale HERE.
And so, thy Quest is set - many an image must spring to thy mind for a fitting portrayal of this dread tale.
He shows here, for your delight, the offerings of his Minions.
The Master giveth thee the allotted 14 days, and - barring mishap - will return hence at that time to judge thy offerings.
Perchance to place thy offering here (In the interest of fairness - NO backlinking)
Collection closes 13th June 2012 at 1700hrs GMT.
His Minion IKE has been struck a blow which renders all crafting skill as useless, so alas, she is still unable to offer you some creative inspiration. However, such a blow was naught compared to the creeping insidiousness of The Red Death.
But first - the Accolades..........
Hail the Victor of Quest #8.........WendyLynns Paper Whims
Take thee thy Badge of Honour and give thy details to the illustrious Black Dragon, that she may bestow upon thee thy reward.

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The Master also blesses these 3 (in no apparent order) .... Kapree, Jane and Susan G Take ye also thy Badge and display it proudly within thy realm...

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The tale is of Prince Prospero. He hath organised a Masked Ball for the entertainment of his friends. Outside, the Plague is all around, but he hides within his castle with his friends and doth lock the doors against the dreaded pestilence. Therein lie 7 coloured rooms, the last of which is black and red and contains a clock of purest ebony, which striketh upon each hour with a clamourous din. Each other room is bright and dreamy and filled with music, but the last is avoided by his guests due to it's ominous ambience and the clock. All is well until the strike of midnight and a new Guest appears. His mask- the face of a corpse, and his garments are a funeral shroud. Prospero is angered that someone of such little humour would arrive thusly, but the guests are in dread fear of this stranger and fall away from him. He walks through each room and Prospero catches him at the last - the black and red room with the ebony clock. When he confronts the figure, Prospero dies. His guests enter the room to attack the figure but find that there is nothing beneath the costume and mask. They all then die, for the Red Death hath infiltrated the castle. Darkness and decay, and the Red Death have at last triumphed.
Read Ye the dread tale HERE.
And so, thy Quest is set - many an image must spring to thy mind for a fitting portrayal of this dread tale.
He shows here, for your delight, the offerings of his Minions.
Perchance to place thy offering here (In the interest of fairness - NO backlinking)
Collection closes 13th June 2012 at 1700hrs GMT.