I greet thee as we find ourselves herewith at WEEK 4 of the current Quest - #42 DREAM ON....The Master doth bade thee beshow creations which doth illustrate any connection with Dreams.
To inspire thee I giveth the creations of the Minions;
To inspire thee I giveth the creations of the Minions;
Forsooth, The Master giveth thee freedom to create that which pleaseth thy heart in homage to The Master, BUT remember ye that thy offering MUST be related to Edgar Allan POE to be considered worthy of being chosen for the Prize. Bring ye not thy fluffy, smushy if it be not POE !!!
Thou hast until MIDNIGHT on 2nd APRIL 2015 to enter thy creations. In the interest of fair play -
Please leaveth thy creation at the LINKY below on Post for WEEK 1.