How pleasant it be that thou doth join us again for another Quest. This time thoughts of love be-eth all around and many a mortal shalt succumb to heart ache. Such they doth suffer from unrequited love. Celebrate ye that doth dwell in a warm embrace and receive succour from a Beloved with
Firstly let us give praises to the Winner and Top 3 from Quest #28....
Take thee thy Badge of Honour and display it fair proudly, and if it pleaseth thee, contact IKE for thy Prize.
Also, all hail to our Top 3 as chosen by the Minions of The Master - take thee also thy Badge.
Lisa Hall
Jo L
Molly the Fishmonger
Thusly, for your optical delight, the Minions of The Master hath prepareth for thee such wonderous expressions of love and affection.
This shalt be thy Prize.
So, come showeth thy creations. They canst be amatory or sentimental... even satirical or comical.... a token or gift, sent by one person to another on Valetine's Day.
It pleaseth The Master that thy creation be-eth new and he requesteth NO BACKLINKING.
Mayhap thou leaveth a small annotation to bring sweet succour to The Master, who very much enjoys thy discourse. !
Thou hast until Midnight BST on 5th MARCH 2014.
Hie thee toward the Linky and set forth thy creations.