Beloveds - how the time doth rush by and the wintry weather doth chill our bones. The season of jollity and overindulgence doth creep ever nearer.
Thou art to create for The Master a creation fit for the coming festivities - however - they canst be only fit for his dark and stormy nature and MUST be related in some manner to POE..... bringeth not thy slushy mushies and images of puke rendering cuteness, for The Master shalt be sore aggrieved. :-)
Herewith the darkling festive creations of his Minions....

Hie now and begin thy ministerings - albeit thou hast many tasks to perform this Christmastide, but I hope thou shalt find time for a small offering, lest The Master sink into the depths of deep dark depression whilst attempting to dodge the gay festivities !!
This shalt be thy Prize..

Perchance to leave thy offering here. Thou hast until Wednesday 6th JANUARY 2016 . (In the interests of fair play - NO BACKLINKING).
Thank you for inviting me to be GDT for you. Such an honour to be amid such talented people and to be thought worthy of creating for the Master.
ReplyDeleteSorry I didn't have time to enter last month, but I shall gird my loins and make better effort this month(was supposed to be making something with lilacs)
I too hath slacked last montheth LOL Am striving for this moon to get thee on offering! Do not know how you talk that way LOL too hard and I am horrible with it! xx