It doth please The Master muchly to announce that he hath now 104 fantastically fabulous Followers and hath taken it upon himself to reward thee with a fine selection of CANDY that shalt dazzle thine eyes to behold......
It doth please The Master muchly to announce that he hath now 104 fantastically fabulous Followers and hath taken it upon himself to reward thee with a fine selection of CANDY that shalt dazzle thine eyes to behold......

+ 3 Plates of Rubber Stamps :-)
Now Beloveds, I suspect that thou art champing at the bit to procure these delights for thyselves so herewith are the Rules...
Thou must be a Follower of The Master here at QUOTH THE RAVEN AND thou must leave a suitably sycophantic and adulatory comment for The Master.
Doeth both these things and thou shalt be entered into the aforesaid DRAW.
Feel free to spreadeth the word if thou so desireth :-D
The Candy Draw will run until 1 moon's full passing to 3rd JANUARY 2014
The Master has indeed been incredibly generous in offering such fine candy to us, his most humble followers, and for that I prostrate myself at his feet, unworthy that I am, to thank him for the opportunity to be the chosen one.
ReplyDeleteOh my...what a great collection of candy. I have become a follower and already enjoy playing in your challenges! Thanks for the chance to win some great prizes!
ReplyDeleteThis is really a stunning Candy!
ReplyDeleteI signed up with joy and impatience!
Last year I only watched, and now even got an award for my participation.
- Again Edgar Allan Poe - ask my husband.
Yes - every month!
Get involved - great challenge!
sincerely and personally
I would loveth, to be entered into the draw, for this "AWARD" winning Candy, if you pleaseth, muchly, loveth, to the Master xxx
ReplyDeleteSalutations Master. To know you is to follow you. I am not worthy but hopeth that I shall be the chosen one
ReplyDeleteOh Master~What a fabulous bit of candy you offer, I will bestow upon you the brains of my firstborn.
Bwaahahahahahaha !!! AWESOME :-D Thank you for the morning chuckle :-D xx
DeleteI am your newest follower because of Black Dragon. I am just moving into the dark world of art and would love to win this fabulously creepy candy package. Oh what I could do with those stamps. Thanks for offering up this fantastic candy.
ReplyDeletewow that's just fabulous candy!!! I've been a follower for awhile always in awe of all the fabulous DT create!!!! And this candy is just awesome. I'm know that I'm not worthy but still would love to be eligible for this ;o)
ReplyDeleteOh dear Master, I was so sure that I was already a follower! But thanks to BlackDragon I was alerted to your fabulous Candy giveaway - this looks very creepy and amazing! I would love to win. I always enjoy looking at your team's creations, I really need to join in! Thanking you for this oppertunity! Mo xxx
ReplyDeleteOh divine Master! I have followed thee from the start and now kneel before thee, head bowed, and beseech thee to consider me, your most humble servant, worthy of such amazing riches. xxD
ReplyDeleteHello - I am your newest follower #108 - Yay! Thank you for the candy - it all looks fabulous! Looking forward to following your blog! Wishing you a joyful day!
ReplyDeleteI am on knee as I write the glorious of all Masters. I have punished myself as I realized that I was not a follower and will do so each day until deemed worthy of thy greatness. I start today as a follower now and forever in your and your beloved Design Team's awe inspiring talents. The prize shall go to the unworthy as you, Master, are the One and Only. May my future entries be looked upon as gifts to the Splendid Ones.
ReplyDeleteTaketh thou 50 lashes for thy preterition !!!
DeleteWe taketh joy in seeing thee here.
I already followed you via The Old Reader, but now I am follower # 110, if all went well. Thank you for the wonderful candy. Please accept this poem as a token of my gratitude:
ReplyDeleteAt morn- at noon- at twilight dim-
Ike! thou hast heard my hymn!
In joy and woe- in good and ill-
Beloved Master, be with me still!
When the hours flew brightly by,
And not a cloud obscured the sky,
My soul, lest it should truant be,
Thy grace did guide to thine and thee;
Now, when storms of Fate o'ercast
Darkly my Present and my Past,
Let my Future radiant shine
With sweet hopes of thine candy vast!
Most excellent ..... how fantastic !!!! :-D
Deletewhy doeth spoil your followers,
ReplyDeletethat we should be worthy of your so kind and gracious genorosity
may your followers be truly grateful....and follow in your creative footsteps to use the afore mentioned candy to create blog offerings to please you x
Dear Master, I doth not speaketh thy language and my aforesaid comment doth not meet thy requirement so I shalleth try again. I wish to expresseth my sincerest gratitude to thee for thy candy. If it doth please you, I shall poppeth thou candy onto my sidebar.
ReplyDeleteAaaaahhh ! Now speaketh thou in thy true form and such fine manner to thusly addresseth The Master that doth soothe his ears :-)
Deletepleased to meet you.
ReplyDeletethanks for the chance
" THOU ART THE WOMAN" for Nevermore... The Raven shell pluck thou CANDY and deliver to my nest. So to thy I give a proper thanks to the Poe Master.
ReplyDeleteOh Master Ike, doeth thou toy with us, sweet sir? Clumsily I stumbled upon your blessed site just this morn seeking the sweet treasure of an ATC challenge. Alas, my dreary eyes alighted upon your wondrous prose. Whilst I be a mere new follower I beseech thee, kind sir, bestoweth thine kind gifts upon this poor soul. Prithee a fine day. I bid thee well.
ReplyDeleteDear Master, I beseech thee to allow me. a mere humble newly follower a chance in your extremely generous candy.