Sunday, 22 December 2013


Herewith a beautiful creation to inspire thee at the mid point of our current Quest - HO, HO, POE - MERRY CHRISTMAS... and to further remind thee of the fabulous CANDY that awaiteth one lucky winner. To discover the deets for thyself... SCROLL DOWN...........

Thou hast until Midnight on 3rd JANUARY to enter here both for the QUEST #27 and the CANDY DRAW. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013


It doth please The Master muchly to announce that he hath now 104 fantastically fabulous Followers and hath taken it upon himself to reward thee with a fine selection of CANDY that shalt dazzle thine eyes to behold......

+ 3 Plates of Rubber Stamps  :-)

Now Beloveds, I suspect that thou art champing at the bit to procure these delights for thyselves so herewith are the Rules...

Thou must be a Follower of The Master here at QUOTH THE RAVEN   AND  thou must leave a suitably sycophantic and adulatory comment for The Master.

Doeth both these things and thou shalt be entered into the aforesaid DRAW.

Feel free to spreadeth the word if thou so desireth :-D

The Candy Draw will run until 1 moon's full passing  to    3rd JANUARY 2014


Beloveds - how the time doth rush by and the wintry weather doth chill our bones. The season of jollity and overindulgence doth creep ever nearer.
Before I set thee a task for this festive season, let us send salutations to the Victor of Quest #26......
Take thee thy Badge of Honour and display it proudly within thy realm.

The Master saw few offerings this week and so doth award each of thee a badge for thy realms....
Please to contact IKE  HERE to claim thy Prize.
 So now - thy current Quest #27 shalt be ....HO, HO, POE - MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Thou art to create for The Master a creation fit for the coming festivities - however - they canst be only fit for his dark and stormy nature..... bringeth not thy slushy mushies and images of puke rendering cuteness, for The Master shalt be sore aggrieved.  :-)

Herewith the darkling creations of his Minions....

Hie now and begin thy ministerings - albeit thou hast many task to perform this Christmastide, but I hope thou shalt find time for a small offering, lest The Master sink into the depths of deep dark depression whilst attempting to dodge the gay festivities !!
This shalt be thy Prize..

Perchance to leave thy offering here. (In the interests of fair play - NO BACKLINKING).