Beloveds - we findeth ourselves in the final week of thy current Quest #45 - PICTURE INSPIRATION.

To spur thee along and inspire thee I giveth thee the divine creation of Minion to The Master SHELL... 'tis a ceramic masterpiece of the highest order....
And to re-visit a creation made aforehand from IKE... a kinetic piece of mastery that doth moveth in the wind........
Taketh thee thy inspiration from the above icon and createth thee anything that thy hearts desireth to pleaseth The Master.
Thou hast until Midnight WEDNESDAY 1st JULY 2015 for thy labours.
And now, a declaration - The Master doth changeth the workings of QTR in that the toilings of the DT hath now ended and The Master doth send blessings and give thanks to the Minions for their toil and labour on their marvelous offerings.
He now doth decree a new plan. Thy Quests shalt yet be Monthly, but thou shalt only be given a reminder at MIDWAY.
Also The Master shalt choose a Minion who shalt be GUEST DESIGNER for the period of 1 MONTH, whereby they shalt toileth on 2 creations.
Hie now to toileth and sweat in thy labours to create and returneth to the beloved LINKY where thee shalt entereth thine offering.
Forsooth - it pleaseth The Master that thy creation be new-eth and he requesteth NO BACKLINKING.