We are herewith to show thee another Quest. How the time doth fly and the dreaded Christmastide doth grow ever nearer. This shalt be thy last Quest before the festivities and will end 24th December 2014. Thereafter The Master shalt be slumbering on his winter sabbatical until 8th JANUARY 2015, whilst he cogitates upon his new Minions.
And now - glad tidings.... The Master hath decreed that there shalt be new Minions to toil under his command and we hereby calleth for those who dare enter His realm. Thou shalt be requested to make 1 project per month inspired by The Master EDGAR ALLAN POE and can be any creation of thy fancy. If thou dost hanker to enter his realm then please leaveth the code DT beside thy name at the Linky below. The Master will then contact thee after the alloted time.
So now, we giveth the the WINNER of Quest 38 Colour Challenge............
Please contact IKE to claim your Prize.
Take the thy Badge of Honour and display it proudly within thy realm.

And now, thy further Quest..... "Anything POES". But remember ye that thy offering MUST be related to Edgar Allan POE to be considered worthy of being chosen for the Prize. Bring ye not thy fluffy, smushy if it be not POE !!
Forsooth, The Master giveth thee the freedom to create that which thy heart desires, in homage to The Master.
And now I reveal to thee creations made by the Minions of the Master aforenow for thy delectation and inspiration.
And now I reveal to thee creations made by the Minions of the Master aforenow for thy delectation and inspiration.
Herewith thy Prize for QUEST #39 ............
Thou hast until Midnight on 24th DECEMBER 2014 to enter thy creations. In the interests of fair play NO BACKLINKING.
Please leaveth thy creation at the LINKY below.