Thursday, 23 January 2014


Beloveds - it is with true delight that I give thee the Winner of the coveted Candy of The Master in recognition of our Faithful Followers.
He hath entered the Faithful who doth complete BOTH request - to Follow and to leave a fawning Comment - and such Supplicants were thusly entered into this strange plaything of mankind. Without further ado.. it hath drawn thusly...................

We therefore all hail and sing salutations to  Donna Mundinger  .... and requesteth that she shalt contact The Master to claimeth her coveted Prize within 1 WEEK from today lest The Master doth make a re-draw. 

Forget ye not that thou hath until 6th FEBRUARY to enter thy creation into QUEST #28 - ANYTHING POES..... To Link, goeth HERE 

Saturday, 4 January 2014


Sweet Followers,
How our hearts doth sing at the growing numbers of awesome creations that hath been submitted for the delectation of The Master.
Such wonders - tho it doth cause much consternation in the choosing of a Victor  for Quest 27. Forsooth 'tis a much testing task but a Victor hath been decided - all hail to..........................

If it pleaseth thee to contact our Minion... IKE... to claim thy Prize...... and take thee thy Badge of Honour

Hail thee also the Top 3 as chosen by The Master (in no particular order)...............
Plucketh thee also thy Badges of Honour to be displayed proudly within thy realms.


And now, onwards to thy new task - Quest 28 ..... 
Thou canst fashion anything which thy heart desires.. but remember ye that thy offering MUST be related to Edgar Allan POE to be considered worthy of being chosen for the Prize. Bring ye not thy fluffy, smushy if it not be POE !!!

Herewith be thy prize..........

Without further ado, I give the the offerings as made by the Minions of The Master to whet thine appetite...

It pleaseth The Master that thee leaveth thy offering here (In the interest of fair play - NO BACKLINKING)
and mayhap a sweet annotation to bring succour to The Master, who very much enjoys thy discourse.

Hie now and create - to return in one moon's full passing on 6th FEBRUARY 2014 for thy next task and the Victors of the aforementioned Quest.

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