Wednesday, 31 July 2013


The Minions of the Master hath quashed all comers in the  DT THROWDOWN CHALLENGE #7 over at Smeared & Smudged. :-D

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The aforesaid Challenge hath relocated to it's own site and shalt be opening 1st AUGUST 2013.
Herewith the link.......

Come all ye who doth toil for thine own DT Masters and partake of the jollity :-) 

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Thy new QUEST with The Master shalt be with thee soonest.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


The sisters of darkness at Smeared & Smudged hath again thrown down the gauntlet for Challenge #7 - CHUNKY ATCs . They hath challenged us to bring forth our most accomplished works and commence battle against each other.
Forsooth, the Minions of the Master hath risen to the challenge and hath produced such delights to the eye that I am  ecstatic to show thee..

Now, if thou hast a hankering to enter such a quest, then hie to SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM, where thou shalt readeth the rules.
We hope that thou shalt return at the appointed date and VOTE for thy chosen winner :-D

Monday, 22 July 2013


Beloveds, - herewith we doth find ourselves midway twixt the allotted time for thy current Quest.. 22..... IndePOEdence Day.
IKE hath forthwith made a small offering to provide thee with stimulation. Full account of which can be found HERE.

Also - The Master hath seen that the Beloved Followers are in number 95. This hath pleased him greatly and much excitement and elation doth ring within the halls of the Minions that the magic number of 100 draweth near.
He doth prepare a worthy Prize as we doth speak which shalt be hailed when the magic number hath been reached.  :-D

Be so kind as to leaveth thy offering for QUEST 22 at the Linky below this Post.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

QUEST 22 ... IndePOEdence Day

Forsooth Beloveds, how we hath felt the loss of thy presence during the absence of the Minions of The Master, but perchance they hath now rested and received succour and be abounding with increased moxie.

So - now art thou expectant for thy new QUEST ?  Such glorifications art upon us for brethren who doth reside in the USA for Independence Day..... however, in the true nature of our endeavours herewith, we shalt name it IndePOEdence Day in honour of The Master - who was indeed an autochthon of that fine land.

Suchly, thy creations must include images or reference to Edgar Allan POE - that shalt be obvious to the Minions. A lack of such connection shalt result in thine works being expunged from the offerings.

Afore we commence - let us pay tribute to the Victor of Quest 21............  KEREN
Such a wondrous Tome she doth create that was fully acclaimed by the Minions. Take thee thy Badge of Honour and display it proudly within thy realm.

Hail thee also the Top 3 Accolades as chosen by the Minions (in no discernible order).... Susan Salyer, Creepy Glowbugg and Evil Edna

Take thee also thy Badges of Honour.

And now, for thy delectation.. herewith the offerings of the Minions of The Master...


Hie thee hence now, without further ado and don thy caps of cogitation so that thee might create an offering for The Master on this joyous occasion.
Thou shalt hath one full moon's passing to complete thy Quest - until 1st AUGUST - thence to return to pay homage to the new Victor.
Thy Prize shalt be thusly...

It pleaseth The Master that thee leave thy offering, howbeit, in the interest of fair play - NO BACKLINKING.

IndePOEdence Day

1. Paper Whims  3. Borqna  
2. Keren  4. Alipeeps  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Collection closes on 1st AUGUST 2013 at 1700 hrs GMT