Monday, 27 May 2013


Ah, Beloveds !! ... The sisters of darkness at SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM hath again set forth Challenge #5 to all who toil in Design Teams for other Masters and Mistresses. They doth challenge us to bring forth our most accomplished works and do battle against each other.

Forsooth - such cunning a theme was laid down this time by the Victors of the last Challenge..... Us at QTR.... YaY... and the Challenge hath been dubbed "TOOTH & CLAW".
The Minions of The Master hath risen again to the quest and hath produced fineries that doth astound the eye.
Feast thine eyes thusly.......

If thou hast a hankering to enter such a Quest, thou must compete in Teams of 3 under the title of thy masters' realm and, having submitted thy creation, thou shalt be judged by thy peers and votes cast. The Victors shalt choose a Theme of their liking for the next Challenge, and receive accolades from the vanquished and a fine Banner to display within thy Realm.

So, I bid good fortune to all other adversaries.

So don't forget... go HERE to cast your VOTE for your fave DT in the Throwdown Challenge.

** Forget ye not that thee may still enter QUEST 21 at QUOTH THE RAVEN...... ANYTHING "POES" until 5th JUNE 2013.


Beloveds - herewith doth we find ourselves midway twixt the allotted time for thy current QUEST.
For thine inspiration I offer thee a re-visit of a work I produced for the sisters of darkness that doth name themselves SMUDGY ANTICS. 'Twas for a Quest akin to 'Movies' if memory doth serve me rightly, and the image doth illustrate the eerie tale by The Master.... "The Cask of Amontillado". (Image by IKE - available from Smeared Ink). Shouldst thou wish to read the sorry tale - it abideth HERE.

Thou hast until 5th JUNE to enter thy creations in QUEST 21....Anything POES.
Placeth thy creations at Mr Linky on the Blog Post below :-D 

Now - The Master hath seen that the Beloved Followers are in number - 94. This hath pleased him greatly and much excitement and elation doth reign within his Realm with his Minions that the magic number of 100 draws near !!!
He is busy as we speak preparing a worthy Prize - to be hailed when the esteemed and prized Followers doth reach that number :-D

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Sweet Followers,
How our hearts doth sing at the growing numbers of awesome creations that hath been submitted for the delectation of The Master.
Such wonders - tho it doth cause much consternation in the choosing of a Victor  for Quest 20. Forsooth 'tis a much testing task but a Victor hath been decided - all hail to............................FIONA
Take thee thy Badge of Honour

Hail thee also the Top 3 as chosen by The Master (in no particular order)...............CROMS,JULIA and KEREN
Plucketh thee also thy Badges of Honour to be displayed proudly within thy realms.


And now, onwards to thy new task - Quest 21 ..... 'ANYTHING POES'.
Thou canst fashion anything which thy heart desires.. but remember ye that thy offering MUST be related to Edgar Allan POE to be considered worthy of being chosen for the Prize. Bring ye not thy fluffy, smushy if it not be POE !!!

Without further ado, I give the the offerings as made by the Minions of The Master to whet thine appetite...

Hie now and create - to return in one moon's full passing on 5th JUNE 2013 for thy next task and the Victors of the aforementioned Quest.

To the Victor shall be awarded this Prize..

It pleaseth The Master that thee leaveth thy offering here (In the interest of fair play - NO BACKLINKING)
and mayhap a sweet annotation to bring succour to The Master, who very much enjoys thy discourse.

Anything Poe's

1. creepy glowbugg  7. Carla  13. Paper Whims  
2. Shirley AC  8. Kapree  14. KIM  
3. Suzette  9. susan salyer  15. Leona  
4. Evil Edna  10. Linda Simpson  16. Kapree  
5. Shirley AC  11. Chris F  17. Shirley AC  
6. Paper Whims  12. Keren  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Collection closed on 13th JUNE 2013 at 1700 hrs GMT

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


What joyous news I doth bring thee............... the Minions of The Master hath soundly thrashed all opponents in the DT THROWDOWN CHALLENGE #4 at SMEARED & SMUDGED, and they hath been awarded this righteous Badge in celebration.
                            photo TeamDominationChallenge4_zps97b49cc8.jpg
Since they hath won the aforesaid Challenge, the Minions were given the accolade of choosing the Theme for the next Challenge and they hath chosen.... TOOTH & CLAW.
Mayhap, thou dost hath a hankering to partake of such delights..... if so, then hie ye hence to Smeared & Smudged Forum afore the 27th May and enter ye thence with thy Team. :-D

I must fly hither now and prepare the way for The Master's new QUEST which doth arrive herewith on 9th MAY.
Salutations Beloveds xxxxxxxxxxxx