Here is a new Challenge site for you dedicated to the works of Edgar Allan POE. All Challenge Themes will be POE related or inspired by his works and your entries should be connected to the Theme.
Ah Beloveds ! The sisters of darkness at SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM hath set forth a Challenge to all who toil in Design Teams for other Masters and Mistresses. They doth challenge us to bring forth our most accomplished creations that hath been subjected to transformation, so that they doth appear to be that which they are not. The Challenge hath been dubbed "Leather and/or Lace". Forsooth - such a cunning theme was laid down by the Victors of the third such Challenge - the fair Minions of the Haunted Design House.
Fi !!! How they doth strive to test us, yet the Minions of The Master hath risen to such heights and hath produced fineries that doth astound the eye.
Feast thine eyes thusly............................
Lest ye hath a hankering to enter such a quest, thou shalt compete in teams of 3 under the title of thy masters' realm and having submitted thy creations thou shalt be judged by thy Peers and votes cast, whereupon the next victors shalt chose a theme of their liking for the next Challenge, and receive the accolades of the vanquished. Thou shalt then receive a fine Banner to display within thy Realm.
Good fortune to other adversaries :-)
* Don't forget you can still enter Quest 20 at QUOTH THE RAVEN - PICK ANY 3 *
Beloveds - we are most pleased and exhaulted by the growing throngs that doth both Follow The Master and submit offerings for his delectation :-)
We thank you all and this past Quest gave us great consternation in the choosing of the Victor.
After much mulling and cogitation the Victor is....................Anna Lilja
Take thee thy Badge of Honour and be so kind as to furnish details of thy Realm to beloved IKE who shalt furnish thee with thy Prize..
Hail thee also the Top 3 as honoured by the Master in no particular order and accept great thanks for thy offerings. Take thee also thy Badges of Honour.........Chris/CS Designs, Fiona Randall and Didos
And now, prepare ye for thy new Quest. The Master hath provided thee with a fine list of articles beseeching to be transformed into creations of such divine glory that may be humbly offered for his perusal.
Choose thee ANY 3 items and create something which doth please thy artistic hankerings :-) But remember - thy offering MUST be related to Edgar Allan POE to be worthy of attaining the Prize.
Bring ye not thy slushy and mushy if it be not related to POE in some instance, for thou shalt not be rewarded.
Now - I give thee the makings of the Minions of The Master to whet thine appetite and to spur thee on in thy endeavours.